Homework Assignments & Due Dates: 
(most recent listed first)

(date assigned)--------------HW---------------(date due)


Geometry A & B
1/2 Credit-1 trimester
Required Course
Prerequisite:  Algebra 1A & 1B
Course Description:
​This course is designed to provide the foundations for geometry and to apply geometric concepts and mathematical reasoning. Content will include, but is not limited to, proof, points, lines, planes, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles. Classroom instruction will involve spiral learning, technology, differentiated instruction, intervention, student engagement, algebraic thinking, and assessment for student understanding.  

Units Covered:
  1.  Foundations of Geometry
  2.  Geometric Reasoning
  3.  Parallel & Perpendicular Lines
  4.  Triangle Congruence
  4.5  Coordinate Geometry
  5. Properties of Triangles​

Units Covered:
1. Polygons & Quadrilaterals.
​2. Similarity
3. Right Triangles & Trigonometry
4. Perimeter, Circumference, & Area
5. Spatial Reasoning
6. Circles


CALCULATOR AGREEMENT FORMS are needed in order to use a classroom calculator.  See Links below.

​​Don't forget to use
go.hrw.com (see "Holt Geometry Help" below)!  Use it tonight to help with your homework or study for the test or quiz!  Just a few minutes may help you succeed!

Mrs. Ruthven's Information Sheet: Use this link on the first day!  :)